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Anthology of Interest II

"What if" is always a dangerous question to ask, which is why we're doing it again in part 2 (electric boogaloo). Be forewarned: when you listen to this, you can't unlisten to this. We also talk about emotions, and how to tell if a person is really a...

"What if" is always a dangerous question to ask, which is why we're doing it again in part 2 (electric boogaloo). Be forewarned: when you listen to this, you can't unlisten to this.

We also talk about emotions, and how to tell if a person is really a human, and laugh a lot about video game references. We talk about how to reverse things (which involves doing things in reverse), inflatable coconut guns, Bender spinoffs... what don't we talk about? It's a non-canonical episode so all bets are off.

Ben gets very uncomfortable. Mike feels the rhythm.

Roswell That Ends Well

You should be careful if you ever find yourself back in time, lest you cause yourself to not exist. Existing is basically all you do, after all.

We talk about time travel, karaoke (AGAIN. WE CAN'T STOP), mattress tag humor, eggs and pie, and we forget who Gomer Pyle is. Most of all, we talk about causality and some gross things.

Ben rides into the disintegration zone. Mike uses some All-Purpose Spray™.


God is somewhere in space, or at least so believe a sect of monks high in the mountains. Also, a robot was there, and that robot was Bender. Yes, we're talking about a strangely religious episode of Futurama today.

We also talk about hatch green chilis, SimCity, a crazy conspiracy about the What-If Machine, being sued by Oprah, and where to hang paintings of yourself as Napoleon.

Ben kills everybody in SimCity. Mike has been on the internet too long.

Future Stock

This week's episode is coated in the dazzling veneer of the 1980s. We're talking a lot about money and business and lot of things Ben specifically doesn't understand.

We also come up with an interesting theory about Matt Groening, ask a favor of Lin-Manuel Miranda, the timely humor of ballot jokes from 2000.

And of course, The Safety Dance.

Ben isn't looking at the big picture. Mike is a shark.

30% Iron Chef

Bender does something or other about cooking. But honestly, we're in this one for Zoidberg. Zoidberg and his love of a great and mysterious bottle and a ship built within it.

Other hugely important topics we talk about A1 Steak Sauce, steaks, portals, failed t-shirt schemes, cilantro, and WoW raiding soundtrack tips.

Ben is thinking of Eugene, Oregon. Mike goes on a cilantro tirade.

Season 3 Break: Podcon and Favorite Things

Podcon lined up with our traditional season 3 break, so we talk a little bit about Podcon. Most of the episode is then spent sharing a favorite thing outside the realm of Futurama for each of us.

Mike talks a bit about his all time favorite musician, Weird Al Yankovic. Ben talks about another of his nerdy hobbies, Dungeons and Dragons.

Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch

Ah, the birds and the bees, where bees fall in love and their skin turns into a semi-permeable membrane for the exchange of DNA with birds. Wait, that's how it works, right?

Aside from yet another gross tale of alien mating habits, we talk a surprising amount about Jean-Ralphio from the TV show Parks & Recreation. We talk a bit about carnival ride names, programming languages, and give mad props to the Grand Midwife.

Ben Googles something yet again. Mike wields a machete.

Leela's Homeworld

It's been teased for multiple seasons but we're going to finally find out where Leela comes from! And it's NOT where you'd expect. Unless you've seen this episode before, which you probably have.

We also talk about where to buy goats, holiday specials, deals we've made regarding breakfast cereals, album names, Snakes on a Plane, and much more!

Ben tries to garner a sponsor. Mike knows it's Jon Arbuckle.

Love and Rocket

Would you date your primary mode of transportation, even though it violates interstellar shipping statute 437-B? Bender does, and hilarity ensues.

We also talk... uh... way too much about Roman Mars. We talk about the best new flavor of Cthulhu. We talk about controversial art. We talk about something called earwig honey. What don't we talk about?

Ben is 23% invisible. Mike dreams of ranch dressing.

Less Than Hero

What would your superpower be? Shapeshifting? Flight? Something better than our dumb butts can come up with? Would you be a hero who saves gemeralds or would you STEAL the gemerald?

Aside from the New Justice Team, we talk about alternate social media platforms, IKEA furniture, tiny robots named Andrew, and the most buck wild natural history museum that ever existed.

Ben becomes CEO. Mike commands the loyalty of sea creatures.

Ben & Mike