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War is the H-Word

War! Huh! Good God, what is it good for? TALKIN' A LOT ABOUT BALLS, APPARENTLY. Seriously. We talk a lot about balls today and we're sorry but it is also very relevant to the story. Because balls are involved. We also maybe have some hot news about...

7 years ago

War! Huh! Good God, what is it good for? TALKIN' A LOT ABOUT BALLS, APPARENTLY.

Seriously. We talk a lot about balls today and we're sorry but it is also very relevant to the story. Because balls are involved.

We also maybe have some hot news about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Yep, totally real news. Other things we talk about is pretending to be a man to go to war (like Mulan!) and also the crushes you get on women pretending to be men to go to war (I don't remember that happening in Mulan). Also Sports Buttslaps and fine mesh screens.

Ben gets put on a stamp. Mike makes Speedy Gonzales look like Regular Gonzales.

Ben & Mike