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A Leela of Her Own

Let's face it: the NNY Mets stink out loud. How do you get butts into those seats? With the first professional female blernsball player who also happens to have one eye and also be really bad. We also talk an awful lot about pizza and flaming...

7 years ago

Let's face it: the NNY Mets stink out loud. How do you get butts into those seats? With the first professional female blernsball player who also happens to have one eye and also be really bad.

We also talk an awful lot about pizza and flaming magnesium, selling things on eBay, and we accidentally steal a McElroy bit. Please don't sue us, sirs.

We also get a SURPRISE GUEST and we guarantee you won't like them.

Ben orders a questionable pizza. Mike hasn't seen a podcast this bad since the days of Bob Uecker.

Ben & Mike